Their average size, thin skin, its beautiful colour and taste less acidic and sweeter than oranges are the aspects that characterize this tasty fruit. Our mandarins have matured in the sun and have collected just when they have reached the appropriate size and flavour for consumption. They are easy to peel and eat as its segments can be separated very comfortably, has high juice content and, barring any possible exception, very few seeds. Thanks to its nutritional properties Clementine mandarin is beneficial for its vitamin C, folic acid and its provitamin. The tangerins are to collect from october till february, just the months where the sun shines in Valencia but not too strong.
Transport costs inclusive. And if you add a second or third 15kg box to your shopping cart, you will receive €8,- discount per each additional box. This means that if you buy 4 boxes, you will get a discount of €24,- We invite you to try different combinations in your shopping cart. The discounts will be reflected automatically.
15 kg box€62.85
10 kg box€50.19
5 kg box€41.92